JustWatch is the ultimate app for all your streaming needs. With over 85 streaming services listed, it's the easiest way to browse through the wide selection of movies and TV shows available. Whether you want to watch them on streaming services or at the cinema, JustWatch has got you covered. And the best part? All the offers listed are 100% legal, so you can enjoy your favorite content without any worries. With JustWatch, you can easily find out where to stream movies and TV shows online. The app lists all the available offers for 85+ legal video services in the United States, including popular ones like Netflix, Hulu, HBO Go, and Amazon Prime Video. No more scrolling through different apps to find what you want to watch, JustWatch has it all in one place. Worried about what your kids can watch online? JustWatch has got you covered there too. The app includes age ratings (G, PG, PG-13, R and NC-17) to help you select the best and most suitable movies and TV shows for your children. So you can relax and let your kids enjoy their favorite content without any inappropriate surprises. But JustWatch is not just a simple streaming app, it's packed with amazing features and functionality. You can filter your search by genre or release year using the Watchbar feature. The Search Engine has over 90,000 movies and shows listed with trailers, synopsis, cast, ratings and VOD offers. And with the Timeline feature, you can stay up-to-date with daily lists of new releases for movies and TV shows on Netflix, Hulu and 83 other providers. Looking for the best movies and TV shows to watch? Just head to the Popular section and find out where to stream them online. And if you're looking for the best deals, the Price Drops feature has got you covered. It updates daily with the best deals for renting and buying movies and TV shows online. And with the Watchlist feature, you can turn your smartphone into the ultimate media remote. You can queue movies on your device without even logging in. But if you do create an account, you can synchronize your Watchlist on all your devices for a seamless streaming experience. Don't just take our word for it, JustWatch has been praised by top publications like Gizmodo, BGR, and Product Hunt. It has been called the "easiest way to tell which streaming service has the show you want" by David Nield from Gizmodo. And according to Zach Epstein from BGR, "one nifty web app is looking to simplify the searching process" for cord-cutters. Even Ryan Hoover from Product Hunt has said that JustWatch is "probably the best" among similar services for finding what's streaming online. Still have questions about JustWatch? Check out their FAQs section on their website. And if you can't find the answer there, you can always contact them at [email protected]. So what are you waiting for? Download JustWatch now and make your streaming experience easier and more enjoyable.